Ma'zoor due to wind problem

Q: I have been having gas problem from years now. I don't know if I come under category of Mazoor or not. Sometimes I can pray without breaking my wudhu but most of the times I have to perform wudhu again. Also as I work so in my office once I perform wudhu I can't go over and perform it again as it is embarrassing and people ask why also when going to some mehfil this fear haunts me as I can not keep my wudhu for long. Please help me with a detailed reply.

A: In Shariah, a person will qualify as a ma'zoor if the entire namaaz time passes in such a condition that he is unable to perform the wudhu and the salaah without the uzr being found (i.e. without the factor breaking the wudhu e.g. the coming out of wind). This is the law in regard to becoming a ma'zoor. However after one has become a ma'zoor, then in order for one to remain a ma'zoor, the condition is that the 'uzr will have to be found at least once in every namaaz time. The Shar'i law regarding a Ma'zoor is that he will have to renew his wudhu for every salaah time. For further details refer to

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
